My Insights

I was eager to share my insight and experience, good, bad, or indifferent, with other women. Allowing others to use my situations as tools to enhance their lives, avoid unseen pitfalls that I had fallen prey to, or invoke awareness. I should not have been surprised by the reactions of a few; my positive intention was not well received by those I felt would appreciate shared insight and wisdom. Women sharing and caring for one another is important and should be utilized as often as possible. I faced rebuke, dishonor, and shunned through the social hierarchy and those I had once respected and honored.

I continued with persistence to share with others the things I have learned along the way; letting go and emptying was the ultimate goal. We all need to minister to one another, and share information, so we may be refueled with new knowledge relevant to the season we are experiencing. We are all ministering angels to minister salvation to those who seem lost, stuck, or need consoling. Our testimonies enlighten the human experience. I am letting go by sharing my thoughts and observations in love. I am allowing the Holy Spirit to fill me with knowledgeable delights to create a more cohesive world.

Remember, there is always someone willing to listen and appreciate insight from others. We all have stories, experiences, and messages to be learned and shared.

Let go and Let God utilize your voice and experience to create harmony and peace for others.

Ultimately, my experience is a reminder that there are always people who value and appreciate shared wisdom. We all have unique stories and lessons that can benefit others. My message encourages embracing the exchange of experiences and using our voices and insights to foster harmony and peace for all.


Simply Me